Saints and Sinners Cemetery Tour
Oct 28, 2017 - Oct 29, 2017
The 12th Annual Saints and Sinners Tour is presented by the North Fort Worth Historical Society at Oakwood Cemetery, 701 Grand Ave., Fort Worth. Walk under the oak trees to listen as famous and infamous characters of early Fort Worth tell the stories of their lives and times. Walking tours are 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm. Admission is paid at the gate. Adults $10 & Students/Children $5. For more information, call (817) 625-5082
More Info
701 Grand Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76164
Phone: 817-625-5082
Cost: $10/adult & $5/students & children
Attendance: Pay at the gate.
Reocurrence: Once yearly
Time: 1pm and 3:30 pm