Cajun Heritage Fest
Apr 05, 2025
Fun in the Cajun Capital of Texas!
Music, contests, dancing and good food.
Look for Cajun-related fun in Port Arthur on April 5. This concert will be so good you'll want to plan to spend the night.
In the 1700s and 1800s Louisiana and east and southeast Texas came home to a variety of cultures, notably French, African, German, Spanish and several Caribbean islands. These cultures blended their cuisine, music, traditions and superstitions into an eclectic amalgam which became known as “Cajun.” Dance to that foot-tapping music, chow down on the rich, delicious Cajun cuisine, like gumbo, and have some fun. 409-310-0660 www.CajunHeritageFest.com. Cajun Sounds Internet Radio is the host and Gloria Pate is the executive director.
More Info
Port Arthur, TX 77642
Phone: 409-835-2787
Email: director@setxac.org
Cost: Tickets required