Holistic Festival of Life and Wellness
Jun 25, 2017
Seeking spiritual health, mental clarity and physical wellbeing? Then this festival is for you! In one day, in one space, you’ll be able to learn about and sample a huge variety of life-enhancing modalities from highly skilled teachers and practitioners, including: pranic healing, vedic chanting, ayurveda, yoga, meditation, chakra balancing, intuitive guidance, herbal nutrition, skin care, aromatherapy, reiki, feng shui, astrology, psychic readings, tarot, tantric healing, vastu shastra, massage therapy and so much more.
Meet specialists licensed in western medicine whose focus is geared toward holistic living. There will be many renowned doctors on hand with specialties in family health, fertility medicine, and other skilled wellness services.
Other activities include inspiring dance and music performances, conscious dance and movement meditation practices from incredible facilitators in the community, sound healing sessions, great give-aways, and a full service food and beverage menu available for purchase. Free admission and parking.
More Info
Plano, TX 75074
Phone: 469-401-4777
Email: Jennifer@holisticfestivaloflife.com
Cost: Free Admission.
Attendance: All Day
Time: 10 am - 8 pm