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The Houston Brewery is essential to delivering fresh beer to southern regions of the country including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas.
The Houston brewery offers an immersive experience, perfect for visitors of all ages. From the advanced brewing technology to the history displays, you will gain a better understanding of the historical significance of one of America’s oldest brewers.
Please note: We are closed for the following holidays - New Year’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.
Opened in 1966, the Houston Brewery has quickly become one of our “greenest” breweries. The brewery gets some of its energy from landfill gas that is piped in six miles from the nearby McCarty Landfill. On average, the brewery sources approximately 30 percent of its energy needs from alternative energy. The brewery’s energy efficiency and conservation efforts also include an on-site bio-energy recovery system (BERS), where brewery wastewater can be recycled adding to our water conservation efforts.