Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra
Soaring you to new heights of musical harmony and visionary expression, the Brazos Symphony Orchestra in College Station, Texas will bring you to your feet in a standing ovation as your applause roars to a crescendo. If this is your first opus, you are in for a treat. Keeping impeccable standards for their musicians and high-quality arrangements for their orchestral compositions, the Brazos Symphony Orchestra is a truly dignified and elating affair for all those who seek music that moves the inner landscapes of their mind.
High Artistic Standards
Maintaining a Texas symphony orchestra of this caliber transformed into a reality once the Brazos Symphony Orchestra became a non-profit performing arts organization. Originally created in 1981, the Brazos Symphony Orchestra expanded their horizons, going from a solo to more of a sonata assembly, through the merger of two music organizations, the Brazos Symphony Orchestra, and the Bryan-College Station Chamber Orchestra. The melodic orchestral body performing today was officially named a professional symphony in 2005.
The Brazos Symphony Orchestra’s mission is to provide Texans and all visitors, nationally and world-wide, with an outstanding symphony orchestra as they continually develop and maintain high artistic standards for their talented performers and for the excited audiences who love to listen to them.
Spectacular Symphony Orchestra Concerts
The Brazos Symphony Orchestra performs symphony orchestra concerts annually throughout the season. From familiar classical masterpieces and multi-cultural compositions to modern composers and holiday favorites, there are orchestral concerts for every type of show-goer. Feel free to put on your Sunday best and be ready for an evening of high-level musical artistry and vibrational rejuvenation.
Supporting Young Musicians and Composers
Throughout the Brazos Valley, children are invited from schools, along with educational entities, to attend and perform at this private event. This is a special program designed for a young audience with stimulating visual elements, such as dancers and audio-visual productions. One student from each concert is invited to “guest conduct” as well. This annual children’s concert from the Brazos Symphony Orchestra aims to create a deep passion for symphonic music among the youth in Brazos Valley, Texas.
Learning and Community
A real-life tutti ensemble, the Brazos Symphony Orchestra integrates with the Brazos Valley community through a dedicated and magnetic series of special events, fundraising opportunities, performing arts collaborations, and free concerts. Promoting the musical arts for cultural and educational endeavors is a key component of the Brazos Symphony Orchestra along with the support of the Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra (FASO). Some of these inspiring events include the annual Holiday concert, Brazos Valley Youth Concerto Competition, and the outdoor July 4th Celebration Concert.
The Brazos Symphony Orchestra also works closely with local choirs and community dance groups to form versatile and truly unique performances for their audiences.
Listen For Yourself
Before purchasing your ticket to attend a riveting concert by the Brazos Symphony Orchestra, you can listen for yourself. These simple video recordings are only the overture to the real deal. You’ll find nothing compares to the live musical bliss of an in-person Brazos Symphony Orchestra concert.