Cross Plains, TX 76443
(254) 725-4042
Woody's Classic Cars & Baseball Museum
What happened when Danny Lee "Woody" Wood and his adoring wife, Patti, collected items for decades as a result of their love for baseball and classic automobiles and decided to share them with everyone? Woody's Classic Cars & Baseball Museum, a memorable collection of great American classic cars from bygone days along with baseball memorabilia celebrating the legends and big moments in baseball's history.
Located in Cross Plains, Texas, just 45 miles southeast of Abilene, this thoughtfully designed attraction is a heartwarming celebration of the 20th Century's most influential pastimes, the automobile and the game of baseball.
Family-friendly and handicapped accessible, the museum features 22,000 sq. ft. of classic cars and baseball memorabilia, along with a gift shop situated in a replica filling station. Admission is free, and visitors can visit the museum's website to obtain free tickets.
Observe the celebration of a magical bygone era in every detail at Woody's. Classic cars along with America's favorite past-time, baseball, are front and center from the time you reach for the front doors, literally. Door handles are fashioned from old baseball bats and chrome exhaust pipes. Once inside, trained guides greet visitors, point out exhibit highlights and tell a few stories. Texas, as we know, is an amiable state, and the atmosphere here at Woody's is nothing less than inviting and friendly.
The first floor is all about cars. It isn't easy to choose where to begin with 27 vintage vehicles stationed throughout this vast space. Each automobile has its own unique, fascinating history. Mannequins in period dress add to the mystique around each car, allowing visitors to easily imagine what it was like when these vehicles rolled.
Informative display materials explain the history of each car. You'll see mint-condition autos from the early 1900s, including a 1930 Model AA Fuel Truck used to haul gasoline, a 1956 Continental Mark II, a Willys Jeep, a 1956 Mustang Mystic Cobra, and a 1965 pearly white hard-top T-bird.
Examples of nearly every era, the 50s, 60s, 70s, and later, are on the floor. As you walk through this living history of the automobile, you'll feel like you're outside under a big sky. The ceiling mimics a sunny day with sunshine and fluffy white clouds, the kind that makes you want to hit the open road.
Upstairs, get ready for wall-to-wall Boys of Summer memorabilia, including signed items from Ty Cobb, Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, and none other than the Great Bambino himself, Babe Ruth. A pair of mannequins mimicking Texas Ranger pitcher Nolan Ryan and catcher Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez depicts the beloved players in action.
Vintage photos capture memorable moments across America's baseball history, while actual game equipment, an extensive baseball card collection, and other inspiring items round things out. The kids can even sign a baseball and drop it into the display for posterity. Modern-era players are honored via many exhibitions, as Texas baseball teams draw special attention from people.
Lone Star love is on display, not just in the exhibits but in the restrooms, too. The Ladies Room adorns Texas Rangers red, white, and blue colors, and the Mens' Room boasts the orange and dark blue of the Houston Astros.
Car and baseball memorabilia aren't the only things you'll find at Woody's. The museum's front resembles a drive-in movie theater featuring a large screen that plays clips from old movies. Look for the replica of a 50s-style diner with shiny red and white vinyl seats and a real jukebox while our browsing. While it looks authentic, the restaurant doesn't serve food, but it's open for brown bag lunches and, by reservation, group functions.
Be sure you don't pass by Woody's gift shop without stopping. It sits next to the museum in a charming, vintage Texaco gas station. The gift shop contains items for every age, and100% of the proceeds from each purchase go to the charity of your choice.
Two Texans, the late Danny Lee "Woody" Wood and his wife, Patti, collected classic cars and baseball cards for over 20 years together. After Woody died in 2016, Patti decided to place the collection in a free museum that everyone could enjoy. On opening day in 2018, she dedicated the attraction to the glory of God in memory of Woody. Admire the couple's personal history, love for cars, baseball, friends, and family on display in a series of large murals painted throughout the museum.
The site has become a popular tourist attraction and serves as a gathering place for many community events. Woody's honors and extends a special welcome to all former and active military members and first responders, including their service dogs, inviting them to sign their names in a unique area that marks their hard work and sacrifice.
Hit the road and plan a visit to Woody's Classic Cars and Baseball Museum today. It is the perfect weekend excursion to remember the past of two of America's favorite past-times!
Cross Plains, TX 76443
(254) 725-4042