Leander, TX 78641
(512) 259-1907
Events in Leander
There are historical events, children’s events, and 4th of July fun. But above all else, when you get to Leander, there’s one thing you must do first — check out our calendar and join in the festivities.
The Old Town Street Festival
On the first Saturday of June, the streets of Old Town Leander fill with local and national artisans offering handcrafted creations. Texas bands and artists bring the stage to life, and family-friendly activities delight both adults and children. Food vendors provide both healthy and indulgent choices. Local and regional wineries and distilleries bring a special air with a visit to the wine and beer tent.
'Tis The Season - All The Time
The spring wildflowers are absolutely stunning. The summer water activities are the only place you want to be. The fall festivals are never-ending, and the holidays bring the Old Town Christmas Festival on the 1st Saturday of December. Complete with a picturesque lighted Main Street and 40-foot tall Christmas Tree! Needless to say, no matter what time of year visitors arrive, they all leave with the same thing — unforgettable memories.