Graham, TX 76450
(940) 549-0401
Events in Graham
Graham is home to the largest downtown square in America, a notable landmark that just happens to be the venue for some of the top events in Texas. Tickle your taste buds at the Food Truck Championship of Texas, which attracts motorized purveyors of tasty treats from all over the state, or check out the magnificent autos at Cars & Stars. Read on to find out more about these major annual events in Graham.
Cars & Stars
Admire hundreds of high-horsepower cars during Graham’s Cars & Stars, one of the greatest car shows west of the Mississippi. For one day in early April, Graham’s enormous downtown square is full of these attractive autos. The event ends with a cruise and a movie at the Graham Drive-In Theatre.
Downtown Square
Graham, TX 76450
Food Truck Championship of Texas
Food connoisseurs and lovers of delicious cuisine can’t miss The Food Truck Championship of Texas, an annual one-day event that attractions dozens of trucks from across Texas. These trucks compete for first place in Best BBQ, Best Signature Dish, People’s Choice, Best International Dish, and other categories. The event also includes live music and art displays.
Downtown Square
Graham, TX 76450
Red, White & You Downtown Parade
Don your red, white, and blue and head to the downtown square for this Fourth of July event in Graham. A ceremony honoring Young County’s veterans is held before the parade.
Downtown Square
Graham, TX 76450
Graham Fall Fest
Kid-friendly games, pony rides, a petting zoo, and many other fun and family-friendly activities are on hand during Fall Fest in Graham. This annual event is held in early October at the Open Door Christian School.
735 Oak Street
Graham, TX 76450