Longview, TX 75601
(903) 753-3281
Events in Longview
You can always find something fun going on in Longview. Throughout the year, this bustling East Texas town hosts a big-time county fair, a Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association rodeo, a wine festival, and one of the world’s premier hot air balloon races. Yet there’s much more going on than these marquee events. Use our list of some of the popular yearly events in Longview and the surrounding area to help you plan your next trip here.
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
This weekend commemorates the life and work of Dr. King, who was a Baptist minister and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement. People are encouraged to use the day to “reflect on the principles of racial equality and nonviolent social change espoused by Dr. King” with a picnic, parade, and ecumenical service.
Bourbon & Bowties
Bourbon & Bowties benefits Longview World of Wonders, a local non-profit children's museum. The evening features good food, live music, an auction, cigar bar, and of course, that sweet whiskey. Attendees must be at least 21 years old.
100 Grand Boulevard
Longview, TX 75604
Zonta Antique Show
Thousands of visitors can find those one-of-a-kind collectibles at the major antiquing-circuit show featuring 50 plus quality vendors from across the nation.
100 Grand Boulevard
Longview, TX 75604
Longview PRCA Rodeo
Come out and see the country's best steer wrestlers and bareback riders, as well as the best mutton busters and stick-horse racers Longview has to offer, at the Longview PRCA Rodeo. Kids younger than 12 get in free with a donation of three cans of food for the HIWAY 80 Rescue Mission.
100 Grand Boulevard
Longview, TX 75604
Gladewater Roundup Rodeo
If you didn't get your fill of cowboyin' it up at the Longview rodeo, head to the one down the road in Gladewater at the end of May. See why the PRCA has dubbed it one of the top five medium-sized outdoor rodeos in the country.
2502 West Upshur Avenue
Gladewater, TX 75647
Great Texas Balloon Race
By edict of the Texas Legislature, Gregg County is officially "the Balloon Race Capital of Texas," thanks to this annual event. Spanning a full weekend in June, this event includes live concerts, glowing balloon shows, arts and crafts tables, and a kids' playground. Children younger than 12 get in free, and so does everyone else on Sunday.
100 Grand Boulevard
Longview, TX 75604
Fireworks & Freedom Celebration
Enjoy food and beverages, vendors, and fun before a gigantic fireworks show set to patriotic music beginning at dark.
Gregg County Fair
Live music, a petting zoo, carnival rides, magic shows, and delicious food are yours to enjoy at this multi-day fair in Longview. Seniors and children younger than six get in free with each ticket purchased on Family Night.
1123 Jaycee Drive
Longview, TX 75604
Harvest Festival & Livestock Show
FFA and 4-H members strut their stuff at Harvest Festival & Livestock Show, a long-running annual event held at the Longview Fairgrounds Ag Pavilion at the Maude Cobb Convention Center. The three days of competition wrap up on Saturday with a livestock sale and exhibition.
405 East Marshall
Longview, TX 75601
Downtown Longview Christmas Tree Lighting
Longview celebrates the lighting of the Christmas tree with a visit from Santa Claus, holiday music, and other festivities.
219 E. Methvin St.
Longview, TX 75601
Longview Christmas Parade
Bring the kids out to downtown Longview to see the colorful floats in the city's Christmas parade, held in early December.
219 E. Methvin St.
Longview, TX 75601