Events in Ozona
Community dances, historical reenactments, a wool and mohair show, and a washer pitching tournament are just a few of the many annual events in Ozona. Read on to see a list of some of Ozona’s most distinctive events so you don’t miss out while you’re in the “Biggest Little Town in the World.”
Ozona Land Stewardship Blowout
A variety of private and Governmental organizations will be hosting educational presentations. An educational prescribed fire (limited availability).
Crockett County Fair Park Convention Center
Ozona, TX and Baggett Family
LP Ranch
Levis & Lace Annual Anniversary Dance Festival
Put your dancing shoes on and two-step on over to the Crockett County Civic Center for Ozona’s annual dance festival. All the dancing will probably make you work up an appetite, so it’s a good thing this late-April event includes lunch.
103 Medical Drive
Ozona, TX 76943
Fort Lancaster Western Frontier Days
Experience what life was like on the Western frontier at this living history event held at Fort Lancaster. For two days in late May, the grounds are filled with tents, displays, reenactors, and animals that recreate the busy atmosphere experienced by soldiers and settlers in the 19th century. Demonstrations of the U.S. Infantry, the Texas Camel Corps, the Confederate occupation, and the Buffalo Soldiers are a part of the event as well.
629 Fort Lancaster Road
Sheffield, TX 79781
Knights of Columbus Fourth of July Celebrations
Celebrate the birth of this great nation in Ozona with games, live entertainment, tasty food, a colorful parade, and a dazzling fireworks show.
907 Avenue D
Ozona, TX 76943
November – December
Remembering Crockett County Veterans Exhibit
Every year, the Crockett County Museum honors past and present veterans with a showcase of photographs, artifacts, and memorabilia dating back to the Civil War that are submitted by local families. The exhibit is open to the public during standard museum hours.
404 11th Street
Ozona, TX 76943
Crockett County Deerfest
Ozona welcomes hunters at the start of deer season with a special banquet at the Crockett County Fair Park Convention Center. Sink your teeth into chicken-fried deer; deer chili, sausage, and tamales; brisket; and turkey. Proceeds go towards helping local civic organizations and the West Texas Rehab.
1303 Avenue Aa
Ozona, TX 76943
Crockett County Museum Wool & Mohair Style Show
Beautiful mid-length wool and mohair coats (and much more) are on display at the Crockett County Helping Hands Senior Citizens Center for this annual event, held in the afternoon of the first Saturday of December. Attend and you just might win a door prize. Free admission for this event and all proceeds go toward benefiting the Crockett County Museum.
2 State Highway 163
Ozona, TX 76943
Crockett County 4-H Junior Livestock Show
Young ranchers from Ozona and the surrounding areas compete in this annual livestock show, held every year in the middle of December.
1303 Avenue Aa
Ozona, TX 76943
New Year’s Eve Dance
Ring in the new year in Ozona with live music and lots of entertainment at the Crockett County Fair Park and Convention Center.
1303 Avenue Aa
Ozona, TX 76943