Lobster Mezzeluna

- 2 lobster tails (4 to 5 ounces each)
- Extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 large shallot
- 1 tablespoon roasted garlic
- 2 sprigs fresh thyme
- 1/4 cup brandy
- 1/3 cup mascarpone
- 2 cups pasta flour (finely ground flour)
- 1 cups blended whole eggs or ready eggs
Courtesy of Valentino Vin Bar Houston
- Clean lobster tails, them sauté the lobsters with the olive oil, shallots, roasted garlic and thyme.
- Stir the mixture often until the lobsters are almost cooked (time varies depending on the size of the lobsters), deglaze the pan with the brandy (if using an electric stove, use a lighter or match to flame the liquid after added to pan to burn off the alcohol).
- Let cool, then transfer to a food processor and blend with the mascarpone cheese until smooth.
- Season with salt and pepper.
(Note: You will need a pasta machine to make this dish.)
- Add flour to bowl, mix in eggs. Blend until all of the egg is absorbed.
- Transfer the dough on to a working tabletop and work until fully formed.
- Wrap the mixture and let rest for 15-20 minutes.
- Unwrap and make pasta sheets with your pasta machine.
- Cut out circle forms in the pasta, place a small amount of the filling in the center, lightly spray with water or use egg whites to make sure the pasta stays together, then fold in a half-moon shape, pressing around the outside of the mezzeluna to ensure that it's together.
- Repeat this process until all filling is gone.
- Boil and serve.
Servings: Makes 4 small servings.